Today :


Write here english word to find it in luo sentence

Nyinga Jarek --> My name is Jarek.
Wuonwa iluongoni Janusz --> My father's name is Janusz.
Odak Kisumu --> He lives in Kisumu.
En japur --> He is a farmer.
Minwa iluongoni Anyango --> My mother's name is Angayo.
Odak Kisumu bende gi Wuonwa --> She also lives in Kisumu with my father.
An gi nyithinda ariyo --> I have three children.
Yowuoi ariyo --> They are two boys.
Ka adhi neno wuonwa gi Minwa, adhi gi nyithinda --> When I go to see my father and mother, I go with my children.
Kwara iluongoni Otoyo --> My grandfather is called Otoyo.
N'ose tho --> He is dead.
Ka pok n'otho, ne en japur bende --> Before he died, he was also a farmer.
Dana iluongoni Nyar-alego --> My grandmother is called Nyar-alego.
N'ose tho bende --> She is also dead.
Sani, aonge gi Kwara Kata dana --> Now I don't have a grandfather nor a grandmother.
Nikech, wuon wuonwa gi min minwa n'ose tho te --> Because my father's father and mother's mother are all dead.
Adak Huruma --> I live in Huruma.
An gi Jobatha mangeny --> I have many neighbours.
Nyathi --> child
Nyithindo --> children
Nyithinda --> my children
An gi pesa --> I have money
Aonge gi pesa --> I don't have money
An go --> I have it.
Aonge go --> I don't have it.
Wuonwa iluongoni Opiyo --> My father you call Opiyo
Ka ibiro oda --> If you come to my house...
Aabiro mii kom ibedie --> I will give you a chair to sit on.
Ntie kom, stul, kabat gi mesa e oda --> There is a chair, stool, cupboard and table in my house.
Abede kom ka achiemo --> I sit on the chair when I am eating.
Seche moko, ok adwar bet e kom --> Sometimes, I do not want to sit on the chair.
Adwaro stul nikech adwaro madho kongo --> I want a stool because I want to drink beer.
Ka imadho kongo, to stul ber --> When drinking beer, a stool is best.
Iparoga ni in en bar --> You will think you are in a bar.
An gi kabede ariyo --> I have two cupboards.
Achiel ntie e jikon --> One is in the kitchen.
Kabat no en mar keto san okombe gi moko mangeny --> this cupboard is for the plates, cups, and many other things
Kabat moro ni e ot ma nindo --> he other cupboard is in the bedroom.
Kanyo ntie uriri bende --> here is also a bed there.
Ka awinjo ka adwaro nindo to adhi e uriri --> When I feel like sleeping, I go to bed.
Ka oka adhi tich arwako pat kira --> When I am not going to work, I put on sandals.
Ka adhi tich, arwako wuoch maber ma rotenge --> When I am going to work, I wear good black shoes.
Ka pok adhi tich ayweyo ot gi ywech --> Before I go to work
Chon gi lala ne ntie mbura --> A long time a go there was a cat.
Mbura ni ne ongegi iwe --> The cat did not have a tail.
Onge mor nikech oongegi iwe --> He/she was not happy because he/she did not have a tail.
Ne oparo ni obiro bet gi mor chieng moro --> He/she thought he/she would be happy one day.
Ka mbura oongegi iwgi bende --> If all the other cats also didn't have tails.
Mbura chamoga oyieyo --> Cats eat mice.
Oyieyo chamoga chiemb ngato --> Mice eat people's food.
Ka ngato oneno oyieyo, onege --> When a person sees a rat, they kill it.
Apuoyo nigi it mabor --> A rabbit has long ears.
Oringo matek ahinya --> It runs very fast.
Ka ichamo apuoyo, ringe mit --> If you eat a rabbit, its meat is sweet.
To ring nyuok mit moingo mar apuoyo --> ut a he-goat's meat is sweeter than a rabbit's.
Ka in gi diel achiel, in ngato matin --> f you have one goat, you are a small person.
Ondiek nyiero ka ngato --> A hyena laughs like a human.
Ka inyiera nyiera seche duto waluongoni ondiek --> If you laugh all the time, we shall call you a hyena.
Kwach en mbura maduong --> The leopard is a big cat.
Ohero chamo nyuok gi guok --> It likes eating he-goat and dog.
Sibuor en ruoth mar le --> The lion is the king of animals.
Ka sibuor ni gi sibuor-madhako mangeny ok odhi menyo --> When a Lion has many lionesses, he does not go hunting
Orito dala --> He waits at home.
Sibuor-madhako dhi menyo ne jo-ot duto --> The lioness hunts for the whole family.
Ng'ut mar tiga bor ahinya --> A giraffe's neck is very long.
Onge le maduong ka liech --> No animal is bigger than the elephant.
Chon gi lala --> once upon a time (a long time ago)
ni ne ongegi --> he/she did not have
Iw --> tail
iwe --> its tail
Mor --> happiness (happy)
amor --> I am happy
Aparo --> I think
Iparo --> you think
oparo --> he/she thinks
ne oparo --> he/she thought
Abiro --> I am coming
abiro bet --> I will be
obiro bet --> he/she will be
Mbura achiel --> one cat
mbura te --> all the cats
Jamni --> domesticated animals
Nyier --> laugh
seche duto --> all the time
Chieng machielo --> the other day/another day
Chieng moro --> one day
Sibuor --> lion
Sibuor-madhako --> lioness
Liech --> elephant
Kwach --> leopard
Ondiek --> hyena
Guok --> dog
Ruoth --> king, leader
Many --> search/hunt
Kich tedo gimoro ma mit --> The bee makes something sweet.
Suna rach ahinya niketch okelo malaria --> A mosquito is bad because it brings malaria.
Ok ang'eo ka pino rach koso ber --> I do not know if a wasp is good or bad.
Olwenda ok nindi otieno --> Cockroaches do not sleep at night.
Ohero mudho --> They like the darkness.
Odichieng ok inyal neno olwenda, kata achiel --> In the daytime, you cannot see cockroaches, not even one.
Ineno mano ma osetho kende --> You will only see the dead ones.
Jo wuoi chamoga winy --> The boys eat birds.
Gi chamoga aluru --> They eat the Aluru (Quail, a bird found in bushes with limited flight).
Onge ng'ato machamo otien'g --> No one eats spiders.
Winyo nyalo chamo otien'g --> A bird can eat a spider.
Omieri en thuol --> A python is a snake.
Kamnie wuotho mos ahinya --> The snail moves very slowly.
Kamnie wutho mos moingo ng'ongruok --> The snail moves slower than a chameleon.
Ka ng'ato okwalo gimoro, onyalo chikore mabor ahinya --> If a person steals something, he can jump very far.
Ka iloso gi Nyasaye, i go chongi piny --> When you talk with God, you kneel down.
Wuod minwa ringo seche duto --> My brother runs all the time.
Ka chieng osetuch, ok inind, Ichiew --> When the sun rises, you don't sleep-you wake up.
Okine dwe ndalo duto. Inene ndalo moko kende --> You do not see the moon every night. You only see it on some nights.
Bocho polo ma rateng' kelo koth --> Dark clouds bring rain.
Ka idhi oko otieno, inyalo neno sulwe mang'eny ahinya --> If you go out at night, you can see many stars.
Apenji, yamo ber koso rach? --> I ask you, is the wind good or bad?
Saa moro, yamo nyal dhi go lawi ka ni kete oko --> Sometimes the wind can blow your clothes away if you leave them outside.
Saa moro, onge koth --> Sometimes there is no rain.
Ka ntie Ong'weng'o ok ineno maber --> When there is fog, you will not see properly.
Kwalo --> steal
Chikore --> to jump
Mabor --> far, long
Wuod minywa --> my brother
Nyaminwa --> my sister
Ochieng --> sun, day
Ndalo duto --> all nights
Ndalo moko kende --> some nights
Rateng --> dark, black
Lawi --> clothes
In kure? --> Where are you?
Ne in kure? --> Where were you?
Ne an dala --> I was at home
Ne idhi kure? --> Where did you go?
Ne adhi nyiepo --> I went shopping
Idak kure? --> Where do you live?
Adak e sikul --> I live in a school
Ago mos --> I am sorry
Aruaki ainya --> You are welcome
Anbe --> Me too
Nyasaye oriti --> May God protect you
Nyako no omor --> She is happy
Akwayi konya --> Please help me
An akia --> I don't know
Adhi biro kiny --> I will come tomorrow
Bi kae! --> Come here!
Winj ka in dala --> Feel at home
Bed gi gueth --> Be blessed
Abiro machiegni --> I am coming soon
Ng'uon na --> Excuse me
Weri koda! --> Leave me alone!
Ber a bera --> It is okay
Adhi dala --> I am going home
Ok adwa --> I don't want
Hera en gima ber --> Love is a beautiful thing
We atem --> Let me try
Aruaki dala --> Welcome home
Ne achopo ma ber --> I reached home safely
Nyasaye ber --> God is good
Ok ayua --> I don't understand
Ok ayua --> We are happy to see you
Tim marach! --> Bad manners!
We tiyo gi sime --> Stop using your phone
Adwa ni ikonya --> I need a favor please
Pok aneni ndalo mathoth --> I haven't seen you in ages
Amor neni kendo --> Great to see you again
Iloso odiechienga --> You made my day
Onge nuksi --> No problem
Ago erokamano sana --> I really appreciate
Wadhi!! --> Let's go!!
Marom nade? --> How much?
Mana matin --> Just a little
Iwinjo nade? --> How are you feeling?
Maber matin --> A bit better
Isebedo nade? --> How have you been?
Asebedo maber --> I've been good
Nyingi ng'a? --> What is your name?
Nyinga Daniel --> I am Daniel
Itimo ang'o? --> What are you doing?
Nyinga Sharon --> My name is Sharon
Wuonwa iluongoni Lasarus. --> My fathers name is Lasarus.
Abiro Dala --> I am coming home
Neno --> see
Teno --> to support
Duoko --> to return
Buogo --> to scare
Aora --> river
Kudni --> insect
Teko --> power
It --> ear
Erokamano --> thank you
Kech nega. --> i am starved
Aneno --> I see.
Oganda --> beans
weche ngeny --> many words

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