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As an introduction
An old African proverb says:

If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, let's go together.

Those of you affected by disability know that we have to hurry more than others, that's why I started alone - but I'm waiting for you to create a winning team. All projects included here are open - this means that each of you can offer me cooperation and participate in its shape, as well as in the profits shared in a fair manner depending on the workload.
At the moment, the projects do not have legal personality, therefore they must be treated as hobby ventures, which in due course will take the form of a non-profit social organization or a cooperative enterprise. (information for spies from tax and insurance institutions - people who create something do not have time to spy on others, and I do not deny institutions, it is not even a critical point of view - it is a pragmatic result of observation from my point of view... we - humans - have a long way to go to develop solutions that will bring happiness to everyone.)

Projects in progress

1. Luo language learning - online support database.
2. Working time registration.
3. LoRa browser.
The project tentatively called "LoRa" browser - in short - an electronic device
that helps find places of interest - locally using radio waves, e.g.:
a parking space, a hotel, a table in a restaurant... or the entrance to a building
(buildings are supposedly more and more intelligent, unfortunately not they interact with people
who just want to be there.)
4. Brush cleaner.
5. Wheelchair support.

Future project

1.Build tear drop trailer for disable.
2.Crossing Africa.(I have traveled through Kenya several times so far - already in a wheelchair)